Sunday, March 21, 2010

Back to the Asian countries. I was speaking to a business man from Singapore on my way back from the Philippines, and talked to him about my observations on the long school day for children in Asian countries. He was telling me that in Singapore they are now realsing it is not good for children to do all study and they are looking at ways for children to have a more integrated learning experience. So perhaps we dont do too badly here in good old Godszone. Especially when we are 3rd in OECD for English and 5th for Maths. We must be doing something right.

Another thing to consider too is, it has been discovered that children under 2 years of age, who do not have a single constant caregiver in their life e.g. just one of many in a Day Care Centre where the caregiver changes regularly, have high cortisole levels. While cortisole has other functions, prolonged high levels of this hormone are known to be a factor in Diabetes and heart Disease. Cortisole is essential for blood glucose metabolism, blood pressure regulation, insulin release for blood sugar maintanence plus immune function and inflammatory responses. Could these factors just be the reason there is an increase in Diabetes and Heart Disease world wide?

To me, no-one has to be a rocket scientist to understand that prolonged exposure to stress, producing high cortisole levels, must have an affect on a person through out there life.

Worth considering isnt it.

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