Sunday, August 29, 2010

Why do audits create so much anxiety?

I went to a very inspiring workshop on Saturday. It was about why we get unwell from a mystics point of view. Now I know you may think I am a bit off the wall here, but just bear with me on this.

Anxiety comes from fear. Fear of what may happen to us. However, this all has little foundation for the reality is WHAT WOULD REALLY HAPPEN IF YOU DIDNT GET A PERFECT AUDIT? An if we let this fear control us, we become unwell. Simple really but very difficult to put into practice. Fear of being wrong or doing things wrong are embedded in our history. This is what cripples us. When you look at the whole scenario what is the likely result?

Reality - Not very much. You would be given an opportunity to relook at areas that could be improved. You won't lose your job, the facility is unlikely to be closed down (unless it is really bad) and you have an opportunity to do better next time. Not that bad eh?

Yet so many people become extremely anxious when an audit is coming up. Some people don't sleep. Some people work extremely long hours in the hope they will get everything perfect and then are devastate when they don't. Some even crash after the audit.

Reality - unlikely you will not be perfect as each auditor will view the facility differently and have a different interpretation and expectations of you an your facility. Many don't even have a residential care back ground and only see it as an acute setting environment and not a person's home. Two different philosophies.

So how do you overcome anxiety prior to an audit?

1. Understand what is going to be required by the auditor
2. Be prepared to provide the auditor with sound argument as to why you provide care in a particular way and explain your reasoning
3. Learn ways to manage your stress so it doesn't control you (You may like to come to the Stress Management Workshop on 3rd November
4. EMPOWER yourself with knowledge through workshops, discussion from others and learn what to do to reduce your stress.

This Wednesday, 1st September, there is a workshop on this that will help EMPOWER you. You will get this from both the trainer, Jessica Buddendijk, and the other attendees.

The more you know, the more empowered you are, the more confident you are to see the audit as just another day in your life as a manager.

Dont miss out on this opportunity. go to

You won't regret it.

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