Sunday, September 5, 2010

As we reflect on how difficult it is for people in Christchurch .......

Our hearts go out to all of those in Canterbury whose lives have been thrown into disarray after the earth quake. It is difficult to comprehend how one would act or react in such a situation. Even with all the tragedy around them there are still some amazing stories that are coming out.

It is early days yet and as the reality of the situation sets in over time this the full impact of the devastation will sink in. Loss of family pets, income and for some jobs and business' will all have an affect.

I have only one meassage for anyone in this situation, endeavour to focus on the great things you have not what you don't have hard and all it may be. I was reminded of this when I went to my son's wedding in the UK and wrote the article below.

Remember this quote "What doesn't kill you will make you strong". Words people don't want to hear right now but on reflection will come to pass. It is times like this family become our life blood, our solace, joy and comfort.

Communities will become stronger, new friendships developed. All the things we require to live. Things can be replaced, but family and friendships are forever.

You may find this personal artilce of some help.

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