Thursday, November 18, 2010

I think many people are over Treaty Workshops

I think that this happens because many New Zealanders, especially Pakeha's, see these workshops as pro-Maori. In actual fact the Treaty was written for all Newlanders. Until Pakeha's understand this there will still be a them and us.

There is no them and us. There is only US. Yes us is all New Zealanders. This is what the Treaty of Waitangi is all about.

So why all this hoohaa?

It only comes from those who want to promote separatism not collectism.

We can all claim our space in our little world here at the bottom of the Pacific. We all have rights, the same rights.

So if you want to really understand the Treaty of Waitangi look at it in it's entirety not just the sections you want to claim for yourself. When everyone looks at it in this context we will see that New Zealanders comes in many forms and are all given protection under the treaty.

Arent we just a lucky country?

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