Tuesday, November 9, 2010

This is your day! Your on your way!

What a great mantra to start your day.

With feet in your shoes and brains in your head ...

The power of advertising.

I am with the National Bank. I also have to say there is not much I remember about advertising, that is if someone asked me to relate sayings to ads. However I have to say "This is your day! Your on your way!" has really got me.

Now I don't have much trouble getting out of bed in the morning. I love what I do. I am inspired and excited by each day and what it is going to bring forth for me. It is my purpose for being alive.

So what is your purpose? What gets you up every morning? Mine is clear.

My purpose is the bring the care back into caregiving. To help caregivers understand what a privileged role they have and how their very being can influence a person's day. They are the light that shines for the person - the cheer germ.

If you cannot get up everyday knowing you are going to make a difference in someone's life each day then I feel really sorry for you.

If you only get out of bed every morning just to get your pay cheque? Then I feel very sorry for you?

Find something that inspires your day. Inspires you as a person. Makes a difference in someone else's life. Then this IS YOUR DAY! YOUR ON YOUR WAY.

Have a great day.

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